
Hip Pain

Chiropractic Care & Sports Chiropractors in ALPHARETTA AND ATLANTA, GEORGIA

Hip Pain services offered in Alpharetta and Atlanta, Georgia

Hip pain is a common musculoskeletal issue, but without treatment, it can affect your mobility and quality of life. At Synergy Release Sports in Atlanta and Alpharetta, Georgia, the experienced team of chiropractors takes a minimally invasive and holistic approach to hip pain management. After an exam and review of your medical records, the team can make personalized treatment recommendations. Call the nearest office today to request treatment for hip pain, or make your appointment online.

Hip Pain Q&A

If I have hip pain, should I see a chiropractor?

Your hip joints connect your legs to your upper body. They help you with routine movements, such as sitting down, climbing stairs, and walking. 

Most people experience hip pain at one time or another because of general wear-and-tear. It usually improves with rest, ice, and anti-inflammatory medication, but if your symptoms continue or worsen, it’s essential to determine the cause. 

What causes hip pain?

The Synergy Release Sports team treats hip pain caused by various injuries and medical conditions, including:

  • Arthritis
  • Tendinitis
  • Fractures
  • Hip strains
  • Dislocated hip
  • Bursitis
  • Structural abnormalities (for example, developmental dysplasia of the hip)
  • Hip instability

Sometimes, hip pain occurs because of snapping hip syndrome, an overuse injury prevalent in teens and young adults.

Are athletes more likely to experience hip pain?

Hip pain affects people from all walks of life. Running and playing sports can increase your risk, but so can other factors, including:

  • Smoking
  • Living a sedentary lifestyle
  • Being overweight
  • Vitamin D deficiency
  • Having a medical condition that weakens your bones, like osteoporosis

You might develop hip pain if you work a job that requires repetitive motions, like bending or lifting.

How does a chiropractor diagnose hip pain?

Your Synergy Release Sports provider reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and completes an exam. They check your hip for bruising, redness, or swelling and gently press on your hip joint and surrounding skin to identify sensitive areas.

Then, your chiropractor has you do some easy exercises so they can observe your hip in motion. They also order diagnostic imaging, such as X-rays or an MRI, to examine your bones, joints, and surrounding tissues.

How does a chiropractor treat hip pain?

The Synergy Release Sports team treats hip pain using a holistic and patient-centered approach. They might recommend:

  • Dry needling
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)
  • Active Release Techniques® (ART)
  • Neuromuscular massage
  • Graston Technique®
  • Advanced muscle integration technique (AMIT)
  • Chiropractic care
  • Functional Manual Therapy®
  • Shockwave therapy with PiezoWave®
  • Rapid-release therapy

All of these treatments help relieve muscle tightness, pain, and immobility. Depending on your needs, it may take one or several treatments to achieve lasting relief. Follow your chiropractor’s instructions and make sure to attend each of your scheduled appointments.

Call the nearest Synergy Release Sports office today to receive treatment for hip pain, or book your appointment online.

Patients Reviews

"It was phenomenal. I felt more like a friend than a patient. I will be back!!”*"

Lara S.
"Your friendly bedside manner and the kindness of your staff made a difficult situation as pleasant as it could be. 

Jessica M.
"This was worth a million bucks. I couldn’t be happier with my surgery results and my choice of your office. Best decision ever."

Stef F.
Life's Too Valuable to Walk Around in Pain
At Synergy we know that you want to enjoy life’s most meaningful activities pain and injury free. Here’s the problem, it’s almost impossible to avoid pain and injury in today’s modern lifestyle of chronic stress and busyness. Which leads to an avalanche of issues we want to avoid including an inactive lifestyle, weight gain, depression, disease and often increased pain.